A public consultation on the Reports for the Mid-Term Review of Significant Water Management Issues is initiated
15 Oct, 2021 | 09:49The MOEW published for public consultation the Reports for the mid-term review of the significant issues in water management for the four basin management regions.
The consultation will take place over a period of six months - from 15 October 2021 to 18 April 2022.
The mid-term review of the significant water management issues for each basin management region is part of the update of the River Basin Management Plans for the period 2022 - 2027. Its purpose is to inform and provide an opportunity for comments by the public and stakeholders on the most important water management issues and how to address these issues for each basin management region.
The reports provide information on the significant impact, on the basis of which the significant issues in water management have been identified. Ideas on how to address them are outlined - answers and suggestions for measures to achieve environmental goals to achieve and maintain good water status.
The participation of all economic sectors and the public at this stage is crucial for making the right decisions to address the significant problems in water management.
The published reports on the four basin management regions can be found here
Information on how to send opinions and suggestions is published here
The river basin management plans are updated through the implementation of the project “Plans for Water Basins Management 2022-2027” with the Directorate “Water Management” as beneficiary and basin directorates as partners, funded by the EU Cohesion Fund through Operational Program “Environment 2014 – 2020” with the consulting assistance of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development.