Close to 8,6 million BGN for environmental protection approved by the government
01 Jul, 2021 | 13:23On proposal by the Minister of Environment and Water Asen Lichev, the government approved additional 8,584,747 BGN to be transferred to the budget of the 2021 Ministry of Environment and Water for the needs of the Executive Environment Agency (EEA). This alleviates the burden on the budget of the Ministry of Environment and Water by nearly 8.6 million BGN.
The funds will be used for payments on contracts related to the implementation of the project “Analysis and research on species and natural habitats, subject to reporting under Art. 17 of the Habitats Directive and Art. 12 of the Birds Directive”. The project is funded by Operational Program “Environment”.
The additional funds for the budget of the Ministry of Environment and Water are provided from the account of the Enterprise for Management of Environmental Protection Activities (EMEPA). The funds are the remaining balance from revenues from the sale of greenhouse gas emission allowances from installations through a tender under the Climate Change Mitigation Act. Upon approval of the expenditures by the managing authority of Operational Program “Environment”, the funds will be reimbursed to EMEPA.