Electronic system for cross-border shipment of waste to be introduced from 1 October
29 Sep, 2023 | 15:33
- Applications and accompanying documentation to be submitted electronically
- The system enables inquiries about the current status of a requested electronic administrative service or an accompanying process
- All activities related to the cross-border shipment of waste are streamlined and the administrative burden for businesses is reduced
From 1 October 2023, an electronic system will be introduced under Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006 of the European Parliament and the Council of 14 June 2006 on shipments of waste.
The system will enable stakeholders to electronically submit applications and accompanying documentation for shipments from Bulgaria and exports to third countries of waste subject to the prior written notification and consent procedure, to save an Annex IA number, to create an Annex IA document, Annex IB, Annex VII of Regulation (EC) No 1013/2006, and to check the current status of a requested electronic administrative service or accompanying process.
The electronic system will service:
- Legal persons (notifying exporters; persons arranging shipment);
- Experts of the administrations concerned, which as per the Waste Management Act have control functions in the case of cross-border shipments - the Road Administration Agency, the Railway Administration Agency, the Maritime Administration Agency, the customs authorities, the authorities of the General Directorate of Border Police and of the Traffic Police units in the regional directorates of the Ministry of the Interior;
- Experts from the MOEW and the Regional Inspectorates for Environment and Water.
By means of the electronic system, control authorities will be able to record the results of inspections carried out, to consult the register of waste shipment consents issued online, to check the data received, to communicate with other responsible authorities, and to enter information on the inspections carried out, including the submission of scanned copies of documents used in the cross-border shipment of waste.
The introduction of the electronic system streamlines all activities related to the cross-border shipment of waste and reduces the administrative burden for businesses.
The public portal to access the information system is at the URL: https://notifications.moew.government.bg