MOEW presented funding opportunities to municipalities with zoos
07 Jun, 2021 | 18:06A meeting at the Ministry of Environment and Water took place in the attendance of the Deputy Ministers of Environment and Water Emilia Toncheva and Reneta Koleva, the Head of Operational Program “Environment” (OPE) Valeria Kalcheva, a specialist from the Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works and 18 representatives of municipalities (deputy mayors and experts) with zoos on their territory.
At the meeting, the municipality deputy mayors and the experts were informed about the available funds for zoos from the OPE, EMEPA, OPRD, and other financial instruments.
Deputy Minister Emilia Toncheva presented the requirements of the Zoo Directive. She highlighted the need to plan the constitution of the collections. According to the Directive, zoos have a significant conservation role and must contribute to the conservation of the planet’s biodiversity and gene pool.
The conditions under which the animals are housed were also in focus, whereby it was emphasized that planning of collections should occur in accord with the available material base in zoos. Another important guideline brought up by the leadership of the Ministry of Environment and Water was related to the educational role that zoos in Bulgaria should play.
We remind you that a few days ago, the Minister of Environment and Water Asen Lichev and the political leadership of the Ministry met with the directors of zoos in the country. Then, the Minister promised the MOEW will provide full assistance in solving the problems of zoos and expressed hope that when citizens enter zoos with their children they will feel the connection between man and nature.