On November 3 we mark International Biosphere Parks Day
03 Nov, 2023 | 11:08
On 3 November we celebrate the International Day of Biosphere Parks. The date was designated as International Biosphere Park Day in 2021 by decision of the UNESCO General Conference. "Central Balkan", "Chervenata Stena", "Srebarna" and "Uzunbudzhak" are the four Bulgarian biosphere parks declared in 2017 under the UNESCO Man and the Biosphere Programme. Their nomination a year earlier was supported by both local communities and the responsible institutions.
Biosphere parks are areas that symbolise the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. Their aim is to promote sustainable economic development in the regions concerned, based on clean and preserved nature and on the production and supply of certified local products. They are a unifying platform that ensures the participation of all stakeholders in the management and decision-making of the territory concerned.
In addition to strict protection zones, modern biosphere parks also have 'buffer' and 'transition' zones. These encourage sustainable management practices based on ecosystem services and the benefits of proximity to the protected area.
UNESCO's Biosphere Park Day initiative is an invitation and an opportunity for all to be inspired and learn from the solutions and good practices in implementation in these UNESCO sites as role-models for sustainable development.
The MOEW is marking today's International Day of Biosphere Parks by providing photographs of Bulgarian sites and highlighting their potential to attract tourists and develop nature-based tourism.
The information videos for each of the four Bulgarian biosphere parks have been produced in cooperation with the National Committee of the Man and the Biosphere Programme and the Ministry's regional units involved in the management of the respective areas - the Directorate of the Central Balkan National Park and the regional inspectorates of environment and water in Plovdiv, Ruse, and Burgas.
Natural and cultural sites are presented, including intangible heritage - typical crafts, traditions, and customs that increase the attractiveness of the respective regions and contribute to the development of sustainable tourism.
On the following links you will find additional information and unique views from the beauty of the Bulgarian Biosphere Parks.
Uzundzhak. https://mabbg-abv.cincopa.com/watch/AIEASEfIQRRr
Srebarna: https://mabbg-abv.cincopa.com/watch/AwNAAFvtQtmt
Chervenata Stena: https://mabbg-abv.cincopa.com/watch/AcBAvGfdQxD7
Central Balkan: https://mabbg-abv.cincopa.com/watch/AsKALEfxQ5t8