Opalescence and oil products odor were found in the area of the “Vera Su” ship
16 Oct, 2021 | 10:08On 15.10.2021, upon receiving a signal by the Border Police for a spot near the run-aground “Vera Su” ship, the MOEW monitoring team carried out an extraordinary on-site inspection. Two samples of seawater were taken: one from the daily coastal point and one next to the bow of the ship.
In the taken sample, opalescence of the surface is clearly visible. There is a strong smell of petroleum products in the area. The value of nitrogen-ammonium is 0.147 mg/l and exceeds the values measured so far for this indicator from the coastal point three times.
The results of the inspection were immediately reported to the Maritime Administration Executive Agency. The information was also sent to the Regional Coordination Headquarters.