The OPE 2014-2020 Monitoring  Committee voted to mandate the Managing Authority to propose to the EC measures for the successful closure of the Program

24 Mar, 2022 | 18:42


Deputy Prime Minister for Climate Policy and Minister of Environment and Water Borislav Sandov opened the Fifteenth meeting of the Monitoring Committee (Committee) of the Operational Program “Environment” 2014-2020 (OPE 2014-2020).

“Bulgaria is starting an accelerated process of green transformation, and the program is a key tool for the implementation of national green policies,” said the Deputy Prime Minister in his introductory remarks to committee members.

In light of the approaching end of the programming period, he urged beneficiaries not to see problems through rose-tinted glasses. According to him, it is a matter of responsibility in these difficult times for everyone to approach the implementation of projects with realism and in case it becomes clear that a certain measure cannot be implemented another workable solution should be found.

The Head of the Managing Authority of OPE Galina Simeonova presented to committee members the progress in implementation. The agreed funds amount to BGN 3.74 billion or 110% of the program budget. Payments to beneficiaries exceed 1.7 billion BGN or 51% of the total resources within the program.

Proposals were presented by the OPE Management Board, as well as by committee members, for future measures and actions under OPE 2014 - 2020. These were focused on the priority axes on waste, Natura 2000 and biodiversity, prevention and management of flood and landslide risk, and air quality improvement.

The Monitoring Committee mandated the Managing Authority to propose to the European Commission measures and actions under OPE in order to successfully close the operational program.