The water treatment plant in Razgrad found in violation of the Water Act
27 Sep, 2023 | 15:33
- Prescriptions have been given for the elimination of the malfunction that led to the discharge of untreated waste water into the Beli Lom River.
RIEW - Ruse experts found a technical malfunction in the secondary settling tank of the City Wastewater Treatment Plant - Razgrad (WWTP) on Sunday, 17th September. The unplanned inspection was carried out jointly with representatives of the Basin Directorate for the Danube Region, and the Regional Laboratory - Ruse with the Environmental Executive Agency, under the coordination of the Deputy Minister of Environment and Water eng. Petar Dimitrov.
The secondary radial settling tank facility represents the final step of wastewater treatment, and its malfunction has resulted in the discharge of excess activated sludge into the river. The treatment technology requires the timely removal of sludge from the facility to prevent untreated wastewater from entering the receiving water body. At the discharge point of the Razgrad WWTP, sludge has been found, turbid brown, with a characteristic odour. Water samples were taken from the outlet of the station and analysed by the Regional Laboratory - Ruse.
To date, the results of the samples are available. They show deviations from the norms of all tested indicators, for which the company will be fined.
For the established violation, an administrative violation act was drawn up under the Water Act for the failure of the water supply operator “Water Supply – Danube” Ltd. to maintain the facilities in a good technical and operational condition. Prescriptions were given for the elimination of the malfunction, which led to the discharge of untreated wastewater into the water reservoir of the Beli Lom River. Follow-up monitoring of compliance with the prescriptions is planned.
A short video can be viewed at: