

The state policy on water management aims to achieve and maintain good status of all groundwaters, surface waters and marine waters, as a vital resource for life on the planet, limiting the harmful effects on human life and health, environment, cultural heritage and business.


At a national level, the policy on water management is carried out by the Ministry, assisted by Directorate Water Management and at a basin level – by 4 Basin Directorates and 16 Regional Inspectorates of Environment and Water, that monitor and control waste waters within their respective territorial scope.

The policy on water management is focused on development and implementation of the Plans for River Basin Management as a main planning document for integrated water management and the Marine Strategy; provision of sufficient quantity and quality of water for the needs of the population, economy and ecosystems – continuity of water supply and reduction of quantities of used water for consumption efficiency and management of water as an economic resource; control of discharges of wastewater and development of the monitoring system; mitigatation of adverse climate impacts – threat assessment and flood risk, identifying areas with potential significant flood risk, development and implementation of Plans for Flood Risk Management to take specific preventive and protective measures and the preparedness of the competent authorities and the population; financing of sustainable investments in water infrastructure.

Water management is carried out in accordance with EU and national legislation – Environment Protection Act, Water Act, regulations, national strategic and planning documents – National Strategy for Management and Development of the Water Sector, Plans for River Basin Management, Plans of Flood Risk Management , Marine Strategy, national programs in the field of protection and sustainable development of waters.

Bulgaria is a partner in several international conventions for waters, including The Convention on Co-operation for the Protection and Sustainable Use of the River Danube, The Convention on the Protection of the Black Sea Against Pollution and The Convention on the Protection and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and International Lakes.