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- "Wind farm with an installed capacity of 34.50 MW in the location "MAVRODASOS" and accompanying supporting works" in the Municipalities of Soufli, Evros Regional Unit, Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Region of Greece
"Wind farm with an installed capacity of 34.50 MW in the location "MAVRODASOS" and accompanying supporting works" in the Municipalities of Soufli, Evros Regional Unit, Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Region of Greece
Today, 28 October 2024, the Ministry of Environment and Water (MoEW) announce public acsees to letter (in Greek and English) with ref.No 99-00-528 of MoEW dated from 23th October 2024 from Decentralized Administration of Macedonia and Thrace, Directorate General for Spatial, Environmental and Agricultural Policy, Directorate for Environmental and Spatial Planning of East Macedonid and Thrace, Hellenic Republic (received elecronicall by e-mail on 23th October 2024) for the proposed activity for "Wind farm with an installed capacity of 34.50MW in the location "MAVRODASOS" and accompanying supporting works", in the Municipalities of Soufli, Evros Regional Unit, Eastern Macedonia and Thrace Region of Greece with notification under Art.3 of Espoo Convention, Environmental Impact Assessement Study, Special ecological Assessement and maps
.pdf Διαβίβαση ΑΣΠΗΕ ΜΑΥΡΟΔΑΣΟΣ_Υπ.Περντος&Υδάτων ΒΟΥΛΓΑΡΙΑDownload
.docx wind project MAVRODASOS_transmissionDownload
.pdf Notification to an affected PartyDownload
.pdf Special Ecological Assessement MAVRODASOS_sDownload
.zip maps_topographic_diagramDownload